Application process
Please copy the text from the application form on this page and paste into an email and send it to with the subject “APPLICATION - Your full name here”
Make sure to answer all the question in the form
Please append information regarding the following
Confirmation of payment
Photo of yourself (Category D & E only)
CV (for category D & E only. max 300 words)
Copy of identification (passport or drivers license) or certificate of studies if the participant is not a citizen in a Nordic country
The application is valid only when the participant fee has been paid. The application is binding, the fee will not be refunded.
Application fee is:
350 SEK for Category A, B and C
600 SEK for Category D and E
Account name: Malmö Yamaha PIano Competition
Account number: 568 805 038 (Handelsbanken)
Sort Code: 6761
IBAN: SE06 6000 0000 0005 6880 5038
BIC/Nationellt bankid: HANDSESS
Application form. Copy everything below:
Date of Birth:
Phone number:
Website (not obligatory):
Which Nordic country represented:
Present teacher: